Thursday, September 25, 2014

Attaching strips 9-22-14

Fold along sewing line.

Sew along first edge. Remove guide. Then attach the quarter inch to middle

Camera. 9-21-14

Hannah's Golden Birthday...turns 21 and celebrates with a Margretta with friends at MLC..junior in college.


Worked on during fall vacation.

Busting Out 9-12-14

Busting out
Two of my girls are home dor the weekend to celebrate Waterloo, Wi annual "Wieners and Kraut". Our family gathers at our home as central spot for rest during city wide rummage sales and events. Who knows if we will find any treasures? Busting out of college life for a shirt weekend. Youngest..the freshman say's "it's stressful".. Her plans are business- marketing. Very nice to have them home. Finished this block when they arrived home yesterday.

Bunnies 9-12-14

Carrots go with bunnies. Could not find any of my bunny fabrics for this block.

Building Blocks. 9-5-14

Building Blocks

Brunch 9-5-14


Broach 9-4-14

This was challenging and a learning process. Those small tear drops.. Anchor the points as they tend to move around. Still trying to perfect my points especially in small tight areas.

Boarder Crossing 9-4-14

Border Crossings
Green Bay Packers loose their first game against Seattle

Blue Bells. 9-1-14

Blues Bells
Well they are not blue, but loved this fabric and wanted to use it here.
Another humid day in WI. Able to finish this block while watching (listening) to the Brewer Game. They lost.
Soon it will be football and I have a Packer Solstice quilt to hand quilt that I will do during the games.
Just finished basting the next six blocks. May have to do them in pairs as this worked with small cut outs and the more easy ones. Back to work tomorrow but it's a short week.

Baby's Breath 8-30-14

Baby's Breath 
Not crazy about all the small circles, it was not that bad and may turn out to be my favorite. 
I love the soft color material peaking in this block

Bean Bags. 8-31-14

Bean Bags
This block was done at same time as Baby's Breath to all for decreased stress.

Aztec 8-30-14


My daughter Abigail all settled in dorm UW Milwaukee- freshman. Quite the move-large campus. Dan and I are now "empty nesters".
 — in Waterloo, Wisconsin.

Awakened. 8-27-14

 — in Waterloo, Wisconsin.

Apple Core. 8-25-14

Apple Core
 — in Waterloo, Wisconsin.

Amoeba. 8-20-14


Almonds 8-18-14


Against the flow 8-16-14

Against the FLOW

Thursday, September 18, 2014

African Violet. 8-15-14

African Violet
My mom's birthday today!! Happy Birthday.
Beautiful purple material reminding me of African violets my mom once grew when I was young.
 — in Waterloo, Wisconsin.

90 degrees 8-12-14

90 degrees
In Wisconsin we have had few 90 degrees days this summer. Picked an orange/yellow fabric for this block.
Today my daughter Hannah had all 4 wisdom teeth removed. Did well, pain block still working this evening. She just wants to eat something. So this block will remind me of this day. Quilted with yellow as I do not have any orange.
 — in Waterloo, Wisconsin.

5 of Diamonds 8-8-14

The Journey begins on 8/8/14.
5 of Diamonds
Use of white on white fabric, same size of main fabric, wool batting and quilt as I go.
Very pleased with the result!
 — in Waterloo, Wisconsin.

Journey begins 8-8-14